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Designer Frames & Precision Lenses

Find your perfect match at Fremont Vision Source.

The right eyewear balances form and function. You want to look great, feel great, and see clearly in every condition. Fremont Vision Source can help you find your match.

Our optical studio features a curated collection of designer frames and precision lenses. Your eyes deserve the best, and our experienced team can help you find it.

Call or click to schedule your appointment.

What are my options for lenses?

There are many eyeglass lens options available. Your eye care provider will take your lifestyle and vision correction needs into consideration when helping you select the right lenses for your eyes.

Here are some of the most common eyeglass lens types:

  • Polycarbonate lenses – Lighter and thinner than standard plastic or glass lenses, polycarbonate lenses are resilient, shatterproof, and have built-in scratch-resistant properties . They don’t add thickness to correct vision, they minimize distortion, and they block 100 percent of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation (UV light).
  • Non-Glare lenses – Non-glare lenses improve vision, reduce eye strain and make your eyeglasses look more attractive. These lenses virtually eliminate reflections from the front and back surfaces of your eyeglass lenses. Non-glare lenses can also have built in smudge and scratch resistance; They will also provide you with a warranty .
  • Transition lenses – These lenses are made of dynamic materials that automatically adjust to the level of surrounding light. They can take the place of prescription sunglasses and help block UV rays.
  • Polarized Sun lenses – Polarized Sun lenses are known for their ability to reduce glare and improve color contrast in bright light. These lenses enhance visual clarity, reduce eye strain, and provide maximum protection in bright environments. Polarized sun lenses are great for anyone who spends long periods of time outside.
  • Progressive Lenses – A progressive lens is an amazing piece of engineering, allowing multiple vision corrections to be incorporated into a single lens without any clear distinction or lines between the different corrections. The power in the lenses “progressively” changes from far to intermediate to near. This technology gives you a more natural vision than the traditional line multifocal lens.
  • Digital Lenses – Digital lenses are like high-definition for your eyeglasses, making everything you see seem exponentially sharper, clearer and more vivid. While most traditional lenses are made using a dated, abrasive grinding process, digital lenses are manufactured using precise laser technology. This creates lenses that are nearly six times more clear than traditional ones, with enhanced nighttime vision and peripheral vision.

Need a prescription?

We do that too! Fremont Vision Source offers comprehensive eye exams at our Fremont office. In addition to assessing your visual acuity, your eye care provider will examine your eye health and function.

Schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Fremont Vision Source now.